Dear Inglewood Family.
Welcome Back to 2015!
For your information and knowledge The Executive Committee has signed off on the preferred contractor nominated by The Building & Maintenance Committee to carry out new bitumen works to entry and selected Carpark areas.
Works are destined to commence on or about the 22nd January 15 for 2-3 days.
Anyone visiting the club during this time is encouraged to park at Walter Reserve and utilise gate entry from there as heavy machinery will be in operation.
Do not leave your child unattended at Intiga Stadium during these days of construction works. Please remain vigilant.
After works have been completed, parking to the rear and Walter Reserve side (at Intiga Stadium) will cease for all members excluding direct Committee members.
Carpark at Intiga Stadium will remain open for training nights at Walter Reserve with access through side gate or park at Walter Reserve.
You will also note that the back pitch at the rear of Main Intiga Pitch is under works at present, this was undertaken by the Executive Committee and aptly led by Dave Ewen so that training in 2015 for the Seniors can be undertaken there, thus reducing congestion and pitch deterioration in 2015 for all players at Walter Reserve.
Thus far, the club will have invested in the proximity of $30,000.00 into Capital Works and we are planning to expend a further $25,000.00 in club rooms air conditioning and other electrical items for 2015.
Our aim is to continually improve our assets and facilities for all our members.
Last weeks Busy Bee was a great success, we had some new faces along with some ever reliable ones, however it would be pleasing to see other members assisting at club in any capacity that suits your skills.
Thank you
Luke Martin