Have you considered coaching, or managing your child’s team this year at Inglewood United? It can be amazing for our children when we get involved in their activities, they aren’t the only ones that benefit.
Some parents have already put their hands up to coach or manage their child’s team, despite not knowing much about the sport or a busy schedule, because they know they are needed. But there are also a lot of parents who just don’t feel comfortable taking on these roles.
If that’s you, we get it. But don’t let a lack of football experience or knowledge stop you from saying “yes”. We will offer support, information and materials to help and, depending on your child’s age, you may find that you don’t need to know quite as much as you think!
There are many benefits to volunteering with your child’s team. Here are just a few…
- You will get to spend more time with your child and his/her friends. It is a wonderful way to keep a strong bond and connection with the kids!
- You will expand your social network. Getting involved in your child’s team can be an introduction to like-minded families who value physical activity, and sometimes life-long bonds are forged.
- You will develop new skills. Being a coach or team manager leads us to learn more about the game. It shows your child that you are willing to get out of your comfort zone, which is a really powerful thing for a parent to role model.
- You will learn and re-learn life lessons. Many volunteers have said that while they know the importance of instilling positive values in their players, they themselves learn a lot of life lessons along the way.
- You will come away with a sense of pride and achievement. Often we are exhilarated by the joy on a player’s face when they reach a goal they didn’t necessarily believe was possible.
- You will have fun! The number one reason children play a sport is because it’s fun. And honestly, so is coaching and managing a team. Plus you will get to run around and play – and that is truly fun at any age.
At Inglewood United we always need volunteers and hope you will find time to devote to a team, whether as a coach, assistant or team manager.
If you are willing to take an active role in your child’s team please contact Alex Stanojevic, Technical Director, on 0417 738 609 or technical-director@inglewoodunitedfc.com.au
You may find that the benefits for you are just as rewarding as they are for your children.